
busy bee

It's been a very hectic week so far.  Things at school have been crazy as the boys gear up for their Rachmaninoff concert.  Ck and I are going to see it on Friday at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.  It is going to be AMAZINGGG.  I'm so excited and SO proud.  This is a really challenging piece, and all the boys have risen to the occasion.

In other news, ck took care of me yesterday when I was really grumpy and tired, and she made me the MOST AMAZING creamy chickpea soup from scratch.  It was so nice to have a warm, healthy meal brought to me in bed on a grumpy day.  

Things in my Latin classes have been a little bit frustrating.  The boys have been giving their free choice presentations, and they aren't going as well as I'd hoped or expected.  I feel like I've given them ample time to prepare, guided their research, given them deadlines along the way, and been extremely flexible with scheduling and extensions.  Regardless of all of this, most of them have been under-prepared or completely unprepared on the day of their presentation.  I am really not sure what else I could have done to make the project a success.  I am hoping that their lack of preparation reflects more on their personalities as students (the eighth graders are pretty much totally checked out now that they've gotten into the high schools they want to attend next year)  than it does on my assignment or my instruction.

Now I'm off to finish my lunch before I have to go outside to supervise lunch/recess.



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